Dámská jízda do Yosemit začala túrou kolem Twenty Lakes Basin těsně za hranicí národního parku. Sníh je čerstvý, letošní! | Ladies-only trip to Yosemite began with a hike in Twenty Lakes Basin just past the national park border. The snow is fresh! |
Odpoledne nám zbylo trochu času a tak jsme vzaly Báru a Janu na Mono Lake. Ani jedna z nich za tu spoustu let, co žijí v Kalifornii, toto jezero neviděla! | We has some time left in the afternoon and so we took Bara and Jana to Mono Lake. Neither one has even visited it before, despite having lived for all those years in California! |
V neděli jsme kolem Indian Rock s obloukem došly až na North Dome s vyhlídkou na Half Dome, kde v tu dobu lezl Pavel s Peterem. | On Sunday we hiked past Indian Rock with an arch, to North Dome, with a view to Half Dome, where Pavel and Peter were climbing at the time. |
A HROCH.NET document | Copyright © 2011 by Carol & Sid Paral. All rights reserved. |